Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why dogs rule...

This dog can fish!

Dog Catches a Huge Salmon - Watch more Funny Videos

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How much we spend a week on food

Take a look. At the end, it's surprising

Link here

Monday, December 21, 2009

One Tree Hill WTF

China's Race Issue

With over 1 billion people in China, wouldn't it seem that the people there are racists... if you look different i.e. skin color, then you are looked at weirdly.

Link here

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Way to go Shell... NOT

Yes... lay people off, trim staff, reorganize the organization... call it whatever. These fat cat CEOs make their money and bonuses by how much the company can save and profit. Even in tough times like this, they are hitting record profits. The economy is still going down the toilet and now the trend is to keep increasing unemployment. Way to go everybody (greedy CEOs and politicians) for making this happen. Source here: Link

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thirteen Kidney Transplants at Once

Whoa... I thought this only happened on TV

link here

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fortress of Solitude!!!

Wow... I can't wait for the documentary to come out:

link here

Thursday, December 10, 2009

7 foods to not eat

Wow, a lot of these are related to infertility causes...
Link here

Thursday, December 3, 2009


A woman lets a stranger come into her house and give her a massage... sounds like the beginning of amateur pr0n


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Don't piss off a developer?

I love it... Because I'm a developer too.

Link here

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Comparing the health care plans

House vs Senate

NYTimes has a good comparison: Link here

Monday, November 16, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mini Mini Horse

Heart felt story about the horse and the loving owners. Click here

Classic ways to piss off you tech coworkers


Click here

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Oh my... orgasm causing amnesia

Transient Global Amnesia occurs after strenuous activities such as sex. Interesting read... click here

Sesame Street turns 40!!!

Maybe if today's kids watched more Sesame Street, then things would be better.

CNN Article here

Dubya vs Clinton

A debate will happen between George W Bush and Bill Clinton.

Check out the link: click here

Saturday, October 24, 2009

100 places to visit

Geeks list for places to visit with kids/family

Click here

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Citi Screwing Over Its Credit Card Holders

Again... Citi fails. Good job at pushing your customers towards bankruptcy...

This recession is not over

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wisdom of a 21st Adventurer

Antonio Graceffo left the corporate world to seek an adventure and write about it. I found out about him when looking up Khmer Martial Arts.

His story can be found on Youtube or his personal site:

Obama eases policy on medical marijuana

About time! Imagine if this led to the legalization of the plant usage itself... taxes, revenue, less crime....

Article link here

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Is the 401k a lousy idea? You know you're already going to lose your Social Security. What about the 401k?

Link here

Saturday, October 10, 2009

2 girls 1 cup reaction

Yes this is old but the reactions are always a good side-splitter =]]

Compilation of 2 Girls 1 Cup Reactions - Watch more Funny Videos

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

All Wheel Drive


Things you do not say to your girlfriend

No-no's for a guy to mention:

  1. Her weight.
  2. Her clothing decisions.
  3. Opinions about her mom and friends.
  4. Her driving.
Stay quiet; Stay out of trouble.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bloggers Must Disclose

Well... Looks like the FTC has a thing for us. If you are reviewing a product, and the company gives you the product as a gift or any type of gift, then you must disclose that fact. Otherwise, pay the 11,000 fee.

Question: How will all this be monitored, enforced and regulated. This is the Internet; where everything can go viral. It is a lot different than TV, movies and radio.

Link to NY Times article about the subject here

Work Metrics

Why are they done? To make the team look more transparent to upper management, of course! ..... Yea right! It's to put a quantitative measure on your head and provide enough conclusive results to keep you or fire you.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stare hard into this pic

Cheezy pick-up lines

It turns out that 3 out of 5 women will fall for a man who gives them a cheezy pick-up line.

Monday, September 28, 2009

American Hiroshima

Link here... these guys predicted the attacks on the WTC. What's next???

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Death Panels and the Obama Public Option for Health Reform

Here's a video making a sarcastic point about Insurance companies and their greed/profit driven policies. We have an existing public option already - It's called Medicaid. Why not extend that to the rest and force the Insurance companies to get their heads out their...

Link here

R2D2 Gaming Console

Popular Science reader Brian De Vitis built this incredible beauty!!! Link here

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Competition to Apple Tablet?

I think so. Leaks of Microsoft's Courier, which is actually a booklet, looks sweet! Check it here....

Buying the Moon

Is this for real? The website is fugly but informative. You can buy extraterrestrial property at low prices. Check it out: Link here

Monday, September 21, 2009

Creationism and Evolution

Which one is right? Can both beliefs co-exist? Can you believe in God and also Evolution? What about Intelligent Design? The article here gives a somewhat neutral description of the debatable sides: Link here

Another source here: Intelligent Design Blog (not as frequently updated but good reads)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Healthcare Reform bigger pic

What the majority would like to see in the ever-changing Health Care Reform debate are:
  1. No pre-existing conditions clauses
  2. No caps
  3. Everyone needs to be covered

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Learn Chinese Fast

Old but good...

Hairy man gets hair removal treatment

Cases like this usually derive from Mexico or Central America. This one is from China. The man has a pleasant attitude. Check it out... Link here

Clean your screen automatically

How to clean your screen... Link

Friday, September 18, 2009

Another Montauk Monster? Alien? Unidentified Creature in Panama


A new one? Is this another hoax? I feel bad that the kids supposedly killed it. It reminds me of the Montauk Monster back in 2008... resource here

Unidentified creature... article here
Theories that it might be a hairless sloth... article here

Facebook vs Classmates

Why fall into the trap of finding former classmates and having to pay a fee through Facebook seems to do it all and more. You can even find old companions from junior high and elementary school. People create groups for fun to find old friends. And this is all for free...

WPF vs XBAP vs Silverlight

I prefer Silverlight, but that's a biased position because I do mainly web development and SOA work.

Here's a snippet of an article I found showing the main differences. Original source here

Silverlight is cross-platform and runs its applications in the browser; it can be used anywhere you use a web-browser.

WPF is Windows-only and usually runs its applications on the desktop; it requires that the .NET framework is installed.

Silverlight can be viewed as a subset of WPF (though this isn't technically correct). It does not have quite the feature set that WPF has. What you lose in functionality, though, you gain in adoptability.

WPF can deploy applications through the browser, using what is called an XBAP. This is not the same as Silverlight, though; whereas Silverlight applications are actually integrated into the browser, WPF is merely using the browser as a host for its process.

People of Walmart

Damn... What a genius site. The sad thing is that we can all find new pics by going to our local Walmart everyday.... click here

10 Reasons Men can't land a second date

Heard this on the radio...
  1. Appeared too desperate
  2. Got too drunk
  3. Got too touchy-feely
  4. Bad manners
  5. Skipped out on the bill
  6. No eye-contact
  7. Too commanding
  8. Calling the ex crazy
  9. Lack of conversation
  10. Bad dresser

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mini T-Rex!

A fossil of a raptorex was found in China. It's a mini-version of the great T-Rex. More info here.

Workplace violence

It sounds like the Yale technician got a bit too pissed off and went overboard. Annie Le was strangled by Raymond Clark. Source here

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

LOL @ this FAIL Google ad in Youtube

I found this while surfing the WRC video clips. It's been sent to the and sites.

Getting even with the banks and their bailouts

LMAO.... this guy should get his own reality show or something. BofA ticked him off and he got even in a personal fashion. Read more here

Tooth in the eye???

Tooth helps restore vision... Read more here

Aircraft Carriers, USS Cole, Carter-Obama, Yale Strangling

A low-humidity day with mild temperatures in the 80s... The talks were simple.
  • Aircraft carriers are huge. There's a museum off the coast in San Diego where you can tour it. Imagine landing a plane on a moving spot the size of a basketball court. More info
  • "I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American," Carter told "NBC Nightly News." More Info
  • Yale student was strangled :( CNN article
  • Why didn't the USS Cole sink? Did you see the barge that transported it back to the shipyard for repairs? From now on shoot first, ask later?

Obama Kanye Jacka$$ still going on?


I don't know where this quote came from. I'm just copying & pasting it:

"Silky Johnston: First of all, I wanna thank God for giving everybody so much, and me, so little. I hate you, I hate you, and I don't even know you and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you, and nobody else, but you. And as I stand here sippin' the soda that I'm sure somebody spit in, I just wanna say yall can kiss my ass you rotten motha-fuckas. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go home and put some water in Buck Nasty's momma's dish. Good evenin'! "

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Various topics from sports to Obama to racism

We started off with the Monday night football games and spoke of how the Bill screwed up with kick-off return. That was just a plain bad decision.

The conversation shifted to Serena's outburst.

It ended with Obama's healthcare speech being interrupted and its relation to Kanye's MTV VMA stunt.

There's still a lot of hate. It does not matter how many positive speeches the President gives; those that just don't like him for his color (which is sad) will not agree to any of his words.

No Change in Oil

The US is still heavily dependent on foreign oil coming from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela. No significant discoveries since the 1980's.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Some highlighted sad moments in today's news

  • Patrick Swayze passed away. CNN link
  • Body found in building is missing Yale student's
  • Not so sad -- Federer loses in the US Open to Del Porto

Dang.... Mom gives up son for adoption

WTH... I didn't believe this until I searched google news... A mom gave up her son for adoption and later on sleeps with him when he's bigger.

now what IAAF?

So do you take away her victory? Let her compete with women? Set up new rules for this type of circumstance?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Testing blog

What happens when I put a link here? Does it get searched? Lam Family News and Blog